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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

My Review of...The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992) directed by Brian Henson

 Never been a big fan of musicals, but growing up as a child in the 1990s meant that they were inevitable and I would tolerate them. Of course if the quality of the musical as a whole is good than there is no complaint from me. This adaptation of A Christmas Carol is one of the most beloved for a lot of reasons. For one thing it was the first movie made by Jim Henson Productions after the death of The Muppets creator Jim Henson. There had been talk of disbanding the company, but Disney stepped in and this movie would be the first project of The Muppets' Disney era and would be directed by Jim Henson's son Brian. 

On a personal level, this was my favorite adaptation of A Christmas Carol as a child and one of the hardest to watch. I was two years old when it premiered and the 1990s was still a long way out from the video-on-demand/streaming era, So if I didn't catch it on TV or find it in a Blockbuster store than I just didn't see it. I can remember watching it one year and not being able to watch it for another two. Those days made one very appreciative of today when one can see these films on our computer screens. I don't watch this show anywhere near as much as I did over 20 years ago, but it is nice to revisit it every once-in-a-while.

I probably should've talked more about the film itself, but I felt a more personal look was warranted here—there are plenty of people better equipped to sing this film's praises. As it is this is the best "all-ages" telling of A Christmas Carol you are bound to find.

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