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Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Review of King in the Wilderness (2018) directed by Peter W. Kunhardt

 There have been a few docs that cover the late years in the life of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but this may be the lengthiest examination of it. These days we have the Santa Clause-version of MLK that even his enemies now invoke for their agenda. This documentary looks at the darkest time of his career from the vespers at Watts to his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee (1965-1968). He'd never been popular in his lifetime with a majority of white Americans, but he looses ground with the younger generations of black Americans as well when the Black Power Movement begins. When he come out publicly against the Vietnam War he looses much of the remaining support outside of his inner-circle. The doc has a lot of photos that I had never seen before and certain footage that I had seen, but from different angles. This is King at his lowest point, but also at his maturest morally and revolutionary. I definitely recommend this to people who aren't familiar to post-Selma MLK.

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