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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Donnie Darko (Director's Cut) (2001) directed by Richard Kelly

 This film is one of those 2000s classic films of the hipster canon. I can't lie, I saw this over 12 years ago and I got caught-up in the weirdness of it. It's that James Joyce effect of something being attractive because of how obscure it is and I wasted more time than I care to admit trying to figure out what was going on. Those were more innocent times. Now after watching this after maybe 10 years of forgetting I owned it, the basic way I would sum this film-up is that it gives the opposite answer of the question asked in It's A Wonderful Life (1946): maybe folks would be better off if you did not survive. Interesting piece of sci-fi suspense, but I've outgrown it. Still  the best use of Tears for Fears music in any movie. 

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