About Me

So far, I write about what ever holds my attention the most stubbornly. Until the sidebar works regularly for me, The display is going to have the sidebar stuff here, then the main blog.

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Black Reconstruction by W. E. B. Du Bois

My first post here is of course a Goodreads review, but one of my favorite and the only one that won't show-up on the book's entry p...

Thursday, July 9, 2020


"I am sick with fear, but writing eases fear a little." - Robert Hayden, Middle Passage

Okay, what to say on introductions. I thought this blog-up back in December in a very different world. So much of life has changed, but we'll launch this right. This is going to be a space where I put  down what I feel like putting down. I've spent over a year writing my thoughts to myself by hand I guess now would be the time to make the leap to writing in a blog. I like movies, I like books, hell I like a lot of different things so...¡vamonos!

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